I was talking with Julie a couple of days ago that when we don't have much going on on the blog, I would post some pictures about past trips we have taken, pre-blog, so I decided to scan in some photos from our honeymoon. Hard to believe that we got married before digital cameras were popular. To everyone who's older than us: That's right, I went there :)

Julie and I got married April 6th, 2002. She can scan in some wedding pictures and post about that some other time, if she wants. We left right from the reception and drove down to Chicago to catch our 6 AM flight to Miami, so we could catch a week-long cruise. The taxi ride from the airport to the port was by far the scariest taxi ride I have ever experienced. The dude was all over the road, speeding, and taking weird shortcuts through back alleys, but we made it pretty much unscathed. Our cruise was going to take us from Miami to Puerto Rico, to St. Croix, and then to St. Thomas before we made our way back home.

Our first stop was in Puerto Rico. We were supposed to do a night-time kayak tour through the bioluminescent algae that stay on top of the water. Should have been very cool. The only problem was the wind speeds were too high and the waves too big, so the excursion was cancelled :( We ended up just walking around the port town a bit and swung by Walgreens so Julie could buy some shampoo.

The next stop was in the US Virgin Islands: St. Croix. We booked a shore excursion at a "private island" where we got to lounge around on the beach and enjoy the weather. It was much more fun than I am making it look in this picture. This was probably right after Julie accidentally knocked over our fruity drinks I got us. Enjoy the swimsuit, since I left it at the snuba place mentioned below. Julie still brings that up on a regular basis.

After St. Croix we stopped in St. Thomas, which was our favorite stop of the trip. The island was extremely nice, and the shore excursion was the best one: snuba. At this point, I had been scuba diving with Dad, Trav, and Luke in the Cayman Islands, but Julie had never been diving with a regulator. It was fun, and after a brief training session we got to enjoy our snuba.

The snuba place was attached to a "zoo", and an underwater observatory where you could take stairs down into the water and look at all the fish from windows underwater. Pretty cool. Below is a picture of Julie pointing out where we were on the island, as well as investigating one of the lizards that was running loose. This is not something she would probably ever do again.

All in all it was an excellent vacation, one of the best we have ever had. This is when we discovered how much we like cruising and got to start acting all grown up and married and stuff.