Thursday, November 13, 2008

Music I am listening to

Since Julie posted what she was listening to while baking, it occurred to me that I listen to music pretty much all day. I have 8300 songs in my iTunes library, and something is always playing. When I work, I generally listen to more laid back, relaxing, music, contrary to what you might see in Hollywood movies showing how computer people work. We don't all listen to techno music in front of 8 large monitors with all sorts of fancy 3D graphics, drinking booze, with sunglasses on. Just the cool guys do that.

Here's what I have been listening to the last couple of days:

Ray LaMontagne
Gossip in the Grain

This is one of my favorite artists, and the new CD is really, really good. Very relaxing music, with a different sound than a lot of what is coming out right now.

The Reindeer Section
Son of Evil Reindeer

Kind of a hit and miss CD, but "You Are My Joy", and "Your Sweet Voice" stand out

Sigur Ros

Slow, and kind of depressing, but good for relaxation. Plus, the lyrics are in Icelandic, so they aren't very distracting.

Bon Iver
For Emma, Forever Ago

Recorded in a cabin in Wisconsin in winter, so about as melancholy as you would expect. "Skinny Love" is the stand out track

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