bread was a hit. I should mention I changed the recipe just a little. For the soaker I only used about an 1/8 of a cup of oats, but then I added about 1/4 cup of a seed blend I had on hand - sunflower, poppy, sesame and some other seeds. I also don't really like fennel seeds, so I left that out of the bread completely. The flavor from the seed blend more than made up for leaving those nasty fennel seeds out. The recipe also made quite a bit. I made two small to medium size baguette style loaves, and then I made a dozen small rolls as well to freeze (though I don't know if they will last that long!). The bread was a perfect compliment to the soup for lunch.
And not only did we have great bread and great soup for lunch, but great friends to share it with! Travis' friend Josh from Florida is staying with us for a couple of days, and today
Angie & Kate drove up from Kieler on their way to Medford to visit and hunt with family.

Kate is as smiley as can be and is just starting to eat solid foods. I must say, she seemed to enjoy the spoon more than the bananas! It was a hoot watching her check out the new surroundings (CATS!) and making her smile, and visiting with dearest of dear friends Angie is like a recharge for my soul. Thanks for stopping by, Friend!!
1 comment:
Love the picture of the spoon eater! It was such a treat for me, too! Katie learned all sorts of tricks up north and is now eating with more zeal, going from lying to sitting and yesterday pulled herself up to standing...she's got muscle but needs work on balance. I don't think we'll chance a tree this year as Kurt witnessed her trying to pull her toy box over on top of her last night. ;-) Mischievious little one!
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