Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back to Baking

After pouring over this blog for the last few days, I knew I wanted to try to make a a batch or two of the homemade Girl Scout Cookie recipes, namely the Thin Mints and Tagalongs. Tagalongs have always been my favorite. Vanilla Shortbread Cookies - yes please. Dollop of Peanut Butter Filling in the center - two please. Covered in chocolate - just one more please! And this recipe is spot on. The result is almost identical (possibly better?!) than the original, and thoroughly addicting. The main reason I don't order any girl scout cookies is to prevent me from eating an entire box of Tagalongs in one sitting. Now I actually have to practice some self-control and keep out of the kitchen.
I already feel my resolve wavering...


Dg2.5 said...

my Mac has bite marks in it now - thankyouverymunch

Zachary and Jennifer said...

Hmmm... this is relevant to my interests...
Our little girl scout niece may no longer have power over us. :-)

Ann G said...

Yum! Did you use milk or dark chocolate? I've been wanting to make one of the knock-off recipes for the Samoas. I need chocolate now...

Emily said...

I want to make these in July please.