Our poor pumpkin man was helpless against the savage squirrel beast.

On a better note - I thought up these cookies as we were sailing away from Hawaii. I picked up some chopped macadamia nuts while in Hilo and some pink sea salt while in Honolulu, then added in some chunks of white chocolate and milk chocolate wafers. Result - crazy yummy cookies. Justin thinks they need a little extra something to push the "Hawaiian" theme a bit further - maybe some toasted coconut will be thrown in the next batch...
Yes! They look as delightful as a sunset on a tropical island! Ooo, and the coconut. Did I tell you Kate is going to be a hula girl for Halloween? She could use a very small coconut (more like a walnut) for her costume. ;-)
Hey Mr. Pumpkin-man, who's trying to kill ya?...I don't know, but they better not...weee, weee, weee, weee (scary stabbing noise from Psycho)
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