Well, today was a great day with tons of food and fun with family. Justin and I drove up to Minocqua today with my aunts Ruth, Jean and Phyllis, and met up with Aunt Martha and cousins Elizabeth, Rebecca and Emily for
Beef-a-rama. Beef-a-rama is hard to describe to someone without it sounding like the craziest thing on the planet. Store owners along Main Street each make a beef roast for a city-wide cook-off, and at the same time put out snacks for people who come for the craft fair and store sales, and the general moochers (us) who don't really buy anything, just eat the free snacks. Mid-afternoon there is a Parade of Beef, where the store owners march their roast, typically with a themed float (pirates, hawaiian, halloween, whatever) down to the lake-front park where the roasts are carved up and sold in sandwiches. It really is something else. But lots of fun. After our fill of snacks, we went to Martha & Ron's cabin in Hazelhurst on Bear Lake and ate some (okay, A LOT) more - homemade crab ragoon, hot dogs, brats, homemade french fries, birthday cake (happy birthday to Martha, Elizabeth, and Rebecca!), rice krispie roll-ups, peanut butter fudge crunch, etc etc. All of it delicious. Definitely a fun day!
We had such a good time today too! And we are soooo full. Could be because we ate kettle corn, taffy and bullseyes during our movie and couldn't stop! Love, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Jean
Small world! My Grandparents had a cabin on Bear Lake in Hazelhurst. It is such a BEAUTIFUL spot! I have so many memories in the area- I think we've hit beef-o-rama back in the day.
I wish I had been with you. I know I missed a good time.
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